Public Announcements

Published 03.01.2020., 12:00 PM



I hope all is well with you and the family. Sanctum Realty Services., Asset Mgmt. will remain open remotely, because we provide essential services, however, it is requested that if you are affected by the illness, that you inform us when making a maintenance appointment. Sanctum Realty Services., Asset Mgmt. We are wishing you all the best 

First and foremost, we want to remind our clients that our technicians are following safety practices to protect themselves and the people they are serving when performing services.

This includes but is not limited to:

•    Wearing protective gear, including safety eye protection, gloves, masks, etc.

•    Using hand sanitizers and soap and water to disinfect hands

•    Avoid touching face, eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

Now more than ever is our chance to show our customers that we are here to serve them, especially in difficult times.  We appreciate the hard work and dedication of our vendors, as soldiers on the front line.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.  We appreciate your business and for your continued support as we face this challenging time.


Published 06.05.2020., 11:27 AM

Alameda County COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium

Our Board has enacted a County-wide moratorium on evictions beginning March 31, 2020, for 90 days if the County Public Health Emergency is still in effect. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors’ eviction moratorium ensures that all tenants, homeowners, and those living in mobile home parks countywide can shelter-in-place during this crisis. This is not a rent or mortgage?strike.?You still owe your rent or mortgage. If?you?can pay?your rent?or mortgage,?you?should pay?your rent?or mortgage.

However, if you cannot pay your rent or mortgage?during this crisis, please reach out to your landlord or bank and begin a discussion about your situation.?Your back rent or mortgage payments will not result in an eviction during the crisis, but your rent or mortgage payments are still an obligation that must be paid.?The amended ordinance allows tenants up to 12 months to repay the overdue rent. If you have questions, please contact our partner, ECHO Housing, at 510-581-9380. If a city has an eviction moratorium ordinance, the city ordinance can prevail to the extent the ordinance is more protective of residents.

Summary/FAQs for Homeowners and Tenant


Santa Clara County COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium

Eviction Moratorium Information for Landlords and Tenants

English | ?? | Español | Ti?ng Vi?t | Tagalog?

The County's eviction moratorium has been extended through July 28, 2020.  Tenants now have up to 6 months after the moratorium expires or terminates to repay at least 50% of the past-due rent, and up to 12 months after the moratorium expires or terminates to repay in full the past-due rent. 

On March 24, 2020, the County Board of Supervisors enacted a moratorium ?on “no-fault” evictions and evictions for non-payment of rent for tenants who have incurred substantial income loss and/or substantial out-of-pocket medical expenses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  This moratorium applies throughout Santa Clara County, including Cities, and protects both residential as well as small business tenants.

The San José City Council has enacted a temporary eviction moratorium in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The moratorium is in effect through June 30, 2020.

Here is a fact sheet about the moratorium in three languages (English, Español, Ti?ng Vi?t).

Here is information landlords need to know about the moratorium.

Below is a webinar about the moratorium that was recorded on May 28, 2020.


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